The New and Improved...

1:00 AM

After several months of work (mostly on the part of my amazing editor and cover designer) I’m very excited to let you know that Adventures and Adversities has been updated both inside and out.

I’ve wanted to update the books that I first published, especially with editing. I had planned the Destiny Trilogy to be the first, but plans changed. Honestly, I needed to start with a less daunting project.

If you have a Kindle copy already, you can get a free update by going to Amazon and selecting content and devices from the menu. Once you’re there, search for Adventures and Adversities and it will let you know that an update is available. Hit that and the new cover and editing updates will show up.

One change was made. On the advice of several people, I’m moving the Tales of Taelis from historical fiction, into fantasy. Before you worry, I don’t plan to have an allegorical faith element. Jesus, God, the Bible will still be there as they are in this world. I even still mention the holy land in the book. However, I’ve updated some of the place names, and such to reflect a fictional world. It was simply causing too much confusion and frustration for readers. So, I’m classifying as kingdom fantasy/non-magical fantasy.

I’m really excited to have the new paperback and kindle edition out! To celebrate, I’m giving away two copies of the Audiobook, which, I would like to note, will be staying the same.

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