Sometimes it is hard in the midst of all the bickering to count our blessings in the realm of politics. However, there are things I am thankful for. Here are a few of them
#101. That I live in a country where we are still debating the issues, one side hasn't restrained the other from speaking.
#102. I have the right to vote.
#103. I can vote without fear (think of all the countries where people risk their lives to vote)
#104. No matter who wins, there will not be rioting in the streets and unrest for days on end.
#105. There are still good men willing to run.
#106. That I work for one of the best elected officials ever.
#107. That there is a value of life in this country (that is why the death penalty, abortion and things like that are still debate topics).
#108. That our government is set up so no one man can ruin it.
#109. Faith is not only talked about, it is considered an asset by many.
#110. God is in control and is working out his perfect plan, even if my guy doesn't win.
Head over to Homeschool Authors where we now have 31 authors listed and 75 books!!! Let's all support Homeschool authors.
Sometimes it is the little things that we so easily forget, that are the biggest blessings. So today, I am thankful for
#91. Tempting book covers
#92. Hands to hold
#93. Pink flowers
#94. Quiet moments with God
#95. Blank paper and Pens
#96. Laughing with a friend
#97. Working in the Garden
#98. Eating with my family
#99. Memorable Quotes
#100. Walking among the Trees
There are a lot of Homeschool authors out there with their wonderful books just waiting for us. So I have decided to launch a blog dedicated to helping readers find books by Homeschool authors. I have just started it and hope to soon have a long list of books, author interviews, giveaways and much more. I need your help!! Do you know of books written by homeschoolers? Let me know

Today, we watched all three Narnia movies in a row. When we got to the end, the tears came to my eyes. I NEVER cry at movies, yet I was stirred deeply. As Reepicheep is allowed to go into Alslan's country and Prince/King Caspian is compelled to stay behind, I saw a parallel with our life.
Last year, I went the the funeral of a young man who was loved by his family. One of his sisters asked me; "Why we had to live on Earth? Why can't we just go to Heaven?" Like C. S. Lewis said we know we are made for another world. But why are some allowed to enter heaven, while others have to stay behind?
At the end of The Dawn Treader, I think we see the answer, at least for why some of us are left behind; we still have work to do. We may not have kingdoms to run like Caspian, but we do have many people watching us. God has placed us here for a time to shine his light to a hurting a broken world, one that is searching for something better.
About a year ago, we were about to get rid of a bunch of books when my mom discovered PaperBack Swap. It is an avid reader's dream, thousands of books ready for the taking. We have sent out 191 books and received 178 books. It has been a huge blessing and a big money saver. Here are a few of the books that you can get right now on PaperBack Swap.
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing ~ Helen Keller
What is life without challenges, daring, adventure? This year, I want to be more daring. With that in mind I have joined some challenges. They have already been a huge blessing to me. So today, I'm thankful for
#81. The His Words in Our Hearts Challenge
#82. The 52 Weeks Challenge
#83. Friends that encourage me to challenge myself
#84. The Contentment Reading Challenge
#85. Family who are encouraging me to be more active this year
#86. The blessing of the Bible
#87. For all the books I own
#88. For authors who dared to write
#89. For the blogs that have inspired me
#90. For yet another year
Since I have taken on some challenges for the year, I thought a weekly update was order. This week things have gone rather slowly and I haven’t worked on any of my challenges nearly enough. I am hoping to catch up on my memorizing and reading this Saturday and Sunday.
Are you working on a Challenge? How is it going?
Note: I am very politically active and that spills over onto my blog sometimes. However, I will try not to do to many posts on politics.

Please let me explain, because I didn't jump to this conclusion. Ron Paul has made a great congressman, and if I lived in his district, I would vote for him for congress. However, his ideas on foreign affairs seem to me very simple. Our army has no business outside our borders, we shouldn't be helping anyone with our money, and generally shouldn't be involved in the rest of the worlds affairs. Although I believe in these ideas in part, I think they are disturbing as a whole. His idea in response to 9/11 (if I understand correctly form my research) was to find the people who planned it, deal with them and then come home again, leaving the rest of the Al-Qaeda alone.
It would be nice if we still lived in a world where the enemies were as well defined as the goose-stepping Germans, but they aren't. I fear that Ron Paul's ideas on how to deal with the rest of the world could cause us grief in the end. I do think we should balance the budget, and foreign aid should be some of the first things to go, but is it wrong to send some of our wealth to countries in Africa where the people are starving? Should we keep ourselves safe and watch as innocent people are slaughtered? I know that there is a limit to what we can do, and we might not be able to send aid or armies everywhere they are needed, but to say it isn't an option is not in our best interest.

So, I will vote for Rick Santorum. I think he has a better idea on how to handle foreign policy; I like that he has not only written a book of the importance of marriage but has worked to protect it; he is staunchly pro-life; he has defended the intelligent design; and he is a man of character. It is my personal belief that Santorum would be a much better president. If you haven't made up your mind, I encourage you to do your own research and take a closer look at Santorum.
Please note the these are my political views that I have researched carefully and wanted to share. If you disagree, that is fine, but know that overly negative comments will be deleted.
Chosen. We all desire to be chosen, to be picked for the team to make the top list, to be thought to be the best for the job opening. We long for the day when Mr. Right slips that ring onto our finger as a symbol to the world that we are his chosen one... To read the rest of my devotional on being chosen... click here
There is still time to join the His Word in our Heart Challenge!

My Resolution
1. To spend more time with God.
2. To memorize 1 Peter
3. To stay active
4. To read 20 or more books I already own.
Do you have any resolutions?
1. To spend more time with God.
2. To memorize 1 Peter
3. To stay active
4. To read 20 or more books I already own.
Do you have any resolutions?