Today I turn 30

10:00 PM
Snippet Saturday

"The Archer will protect you."

1:00 AM
Classics with Kelsey and Sarah

Classics with Kelsey and Sarah: Kidnapped

1:00 AM
Snippet Saturday

"What a story this will make!"

1:00 AM
Classics with Kelsey and Sarah

Classics with Kelsey and Sarah: Confessions

1:00 AM
writing Saturday

Parents in Stories

1:00 AM
Adventure Between the Pages

Sick of Me by Whitney Capps: A Review

1:00 AM

My Dad

1:00 AM
Snippet Saturday


1:00 AM
My somewhat normal life

The Birthday Fun Continues

5:02 PM
Classics with Kelsey and Sarah

Classics return with a epic adventure novel!

1:00 AM
Adventure Between the Pages

Winning God's Heart by Carolyn Currey: A Review

1:00 AM
Tales of Taelis

What I love about Robin Hood

11:42 AM
Snippet Saturday

“Boys have a bad habit of making trouble."

1:00 AM
My somewhat normal life

Birthday Month!

4:31 PM
Classics with Kelsey and Sarah

A New Season of Classics With Kelsey and Sarah!

5:30 AM
Writer Wednesday

Reading for Writers

5:52 PM