Me and my blog! Today I turn nineteen and my blog turns one! Today I would like to thank a few of the people that have made this blog possible and have encouraged me to do better.
The first two people I would like to thank are my wonderful parents. They allowed me to do this blog in the first place and have encouraged me when I wasn’t sure what to write. My Mom has helped me so many times through writer's block, and for that I want to give her a special thank you. I want to give My dad a special thank you, for editing my posts and cleaning up my big and small grammar and spelling mistakes.
I want to thank Jessica and Rachel of Young Homemakers. You both have really been an encouragement to me, and I want to thank you for all that you have done. Jessica, I want to thank you for being my writing buddy and helping me edit my book and start Mediations of His Love. You both have been good friends.
I would like to thank Arianna, Julia and Arielle for helping me make Mediations of His Love work. Each of you has become so dear to me, and I am glad that God brought each of you into my life. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better.
I would like to thank you, my readers and followers. Without you guys there wouldn’t be much purpose in having a blog. I am so glad you are here!
Last and most importantly I want to thank God for giving me this opportunity to share the talent that he has giving me with others. To Him be all the praise, glory and honor forever.
The first two people I would like to thank are my wonderful parents. They allowed me to do this blog in the first place and have encouraged me when I wasn’t sure what to write. My Mom has helped me so many times through writer's block, and for that I want to give her a special thank you. I want to give My dad a special thank you, for editing my posts and cleaning up my big and small grammar and spelling mistakes.
I want to thank Jessica and Rachel of Young Homemakers. You both have really been an encouragement to me, and I want to thank you for all that you have done. Jessica, I want to thank you for being my writing buddy and helping me edit my book and start Mediations of His Love. You both have been good friends.
I would like to thank Arianna, Julia and Arielle for helping me make Mediations of His Love work. Each of you has become so dear to me, and I am glad that God brought each of you into my life. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better.
I would like to thank you, my readers and followers. Without you guys there wouldn’t be much purpose in having a blog. I am so glad you are here!
Last and most importantly I want to thank God for giving me this opportunity to share the talent that he has giving me with others. To Him be all the praise, glory and honor forever.