DC Day 2
1:00 AM
Day two in DC was all about the museums. The Holman family collects museums.
Natural History Museum
This was so cool! I love whales!
The Hope Dimond
That is a big hunk of rock!
Three of my lovely sisters and a big rock
At the National History Museum. We got to so many things, not the least of which is the Star Spangled Banner, but they don't let you take pictures of it.
First lady dresses on display. So fun for us girls
Air and Space museum is so amazing
Mikayla and I couldn't resist. This is us in front of the actual model of the USS Enterprise they used in the Star Trek series.
After all that, we we exhausted
So we stopped and got some soda
Drank up.
And felt much better
Such patriotic skirts! That's cool that you got to see the Star Spangled Banner, I'd like to see that myself. The puppy pictures at the end are adorable. It is indeed nice to get a refreshment after visiting museums.