Hike with Us: Pack your bags
4:00 AM
Hey friends! I'm excited about a new series I'm starting on the blog. I'm going to bring you along for one of Scott's and my favorite pastimes: visiting Texas State Parks!
Most of our dates will find us tossing our trusty backpack, a picnic, and extra water into our car and heading off to spend a few hours hiking. One of the things I wish there was more information online about was what trails should you not miss on some of the larger parks. So, I decided I would have to start making those guides themselves.
But first, the packing.
I'm going to share some important things to put into your bag when you are hiking. Most of the hikes we do, we aren't too far from help if needed. However, we are often enough into the backwoods where we can't get back to our car for at least twenty or so minutes, so we have to be prepared.
Here is what we pack:
Of course, a backpack is a must. Why? You might ask? Seriously, you do not want to have to do a hike, carrying even just your water bottle in your hands for four miles. This backpack was a gift from my family and has a chest and waist strap (highly recommend this if you do a lot of hiking), two side pouches for our water bottles, as well as plenty of pockets for stuff.
Water, is of course, important. We usually have some extra bottles of water and/or sports drinks in our backpack, but we each have our own bottle (which we've covered with stickers from State Parks. I've loved these bottles and waited until they went on sale to grab them a couple of years ago. These hold 33 ounces, have a staw and are super easy to use while hiking. Whatever bottles you take, make sure they seal so you can put them in your backpack.
We also carry a multi-tool. We've used both the screwdriver and knife a couple of times. It's something you don't think you need...until you do.
No one wants to think they would forget critical things or things not go well. However, things happen. I always have a small backup of bug spray and sunscreen in our bag (though I usually use this bug lotion when I'm getting dressed for a hike) as well as gauze, bandaids, basic meds (triple anti-biotic lotion, hydrocortisone cream, Tylenol, Advil, allergy meds), tissues, and also some sanitary pads at times.
We also carry hiking polls. I use them pretty often. It's surprising how helpful they can be. We also always have some stable stack in our bag. We have used it quite a few times when hikes have gone longer than expected.
We also have this, but not in our bag, in our car. You never, never want to be caught with not enough water. We make sure we have this full of water in the car to refill our bottles after a long hike.Well, there you have it. We are packed and ready to go. Check back soon for a post on one of our favorite Sate Parks: Palmetto.