Top 5 Library Finds

6:30 AM


Welcome to Five Fall Favorites! I'm so excited to be doing this again. Make sure to check out our hostess' post and all the other great blogs taking place.

Today, we are talking about library finds and I love it! Libraries have been such a wonderful part of my life since childhood.

This is the Georgetown Texas Public Library. It was the one I went to from when I was eight until when I got married. Well, technically, I went to the old building for those first few years, but this place has a special place in my heart. 

Now, I'm blessed to live in a city with a great library system. 
This is the local branch of the Austin Library where I get all my books. It isn't big, but they will deliver books from other branches to it. It is perfect! Now, onto the recommendations.

You know how you get a craving for something new and different in your reading. I still clearly remember walking around the Georgetown library, having that craving, and pulling this book off the shelf.
I read the back of Back Home Again by Melody Carlson and thought it looked sweet. I started reading and felt like I had slipped into the perfect temperature bubble bath. This book was sweet, and cozy. I enjoyed the sisters and the settings. The series feels like an old TV show. Not much changes in the books, but each is so fun.

I found Made to Last by Melissa Tagg in a section of debut authors and I thought the cover looked cute. I got worried not too far in, but ended up adoring the book and have enjoyed many of Tagg's works since 
It sounds like a cheesy book, but it has so much depth and I highly recommend it. You can read my review HERE

You know how an author or book is so highly praised you know it can't meet the expectations? That was why I checked out Lady Jayne Disappears from the library instead of getting a copy.  I knew this author, Joanna Davidson Politano, couldn't live up the the hype.
But she did.

I ended up devouring all of her books in the space of a couple of months and she is an automatic pre-order author now. My favorite of her books so far has been The Love Note.

Of course, one of the places I love to go searching for innocent reads is in the youth section. Some friends of mine suggested I seek out The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen. I was caught up in the story, taken by surprise by the plot twists, and enjoyed every second of the book.

And the nice thing? This book is still easily found in libraries!

I love history and if you let me lose in a library, I will usually browse in the history section. I found Dear Abigail by Diane Jacobs while researching for my book about the American Revolution. I loved not only how much I learned about Abigail Adams's family, but also how the author really kept her opinions out of the book.

Now I have my own copy so I can underline and make notes for my history-loving heart

What was your favorite library find?

Remember, today is only the first day of a huge event going on all week. You won't want to miss the other blogs or the giveaway so head over to Kate's blog!

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  1. Love that you shared a little about your own local library here, too! It's fun to see what's similar and different in each library or system. I don't think I've seen any of the books you recommend before, but I'm going to look into a few of them.

  2. I remember reading some books from Tales from Grace Chapel Inn when I was younger, and they were so much fun!

    1. Yes! I might see if I can barrow some of the fall themed ones from my Mom.

  3. Loved the pictures of you library, and I'll have to check out The Love Note. Thanks for joining the party! <3

    1. I so enjoyed including them. I hope you love the book as much as I did.

  4. I'm adding those first two books to my list.
    And I've never read anything by Joanna Davidson Politano. I may have to check her out too.

  5. Sarah, your books sound so interesting.

  6. Ah, I love your libraries! They look so nice.

    I haven’t really heard of Back Home Again or Made to Last before but you’ve sold me on them! Joanna Politano and Jennifer Nielsen are both on my TBR—I have heard so much about their books and I know I’d love them. And Dear Abigail really intrigues me, because Abigail & John Adams were one of my favourite historical couples as a kid!

  7. Lady Jayne Disappears looks so cool!

  8. Back Home Again looks really interesting! Sounds very cozy.
