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5:51 PM

Well, now that I have finished my temporary job at the thrift store, I'm getting back to writing. Here is what I'm working on right now.

Kate's Case Files #3, Kate's Dilemma, is being edited.
Yes, I and my red pen are hard at work. As is my amazing cover designer. This book should have a cover this coming week!

A Different Kind of Purpose is getting its first revision. I'm taking out the worst of the spelling mistakes. Yeah, I was watching a tv episode while I was working.

Today, I'm working on emails and thing related to Homeschooled Authors. I love this group so much, I wish I had more time to give it. 

Last but not least...
I'm listening through the Brothers and Betrayal audiobook! It sounds amazing! I can't wait to share it with you.

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  1. Oooooh! I can't wait to see the cover!!!! :D And I can't wait to read the book! :D :D Ah, yes, the lovely red pen. I'm glad red is my favorite color or I would be tired of seeing it on my pages. :P

    I enjoy these peeks into your writing, Sarah.

  2. Glad you are able to get back to the writing! And, I'm so excited about the audio book :)

    1. You will love it! This guy has a rich, deep voice.
