Setting Real Reading Goals

1:00 AM

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  1. I posted about my goals, as you saw, but I really enjoyed this video and I like the idea of this new feature! ^_^ I like what you said about making realistic goals and priorities, because... yes... very good ideas, which I should do. :P I don't always manage to watch videos online depending on my internet and how slow it is, but I did watch this and it was fun! Thanks so much for sharing, and good luck on your own reading goals this year! :)

  2. I set my Goodreads goal for 50, but I'd like to do 75. I'm a ninja reader, frequently reading three or four books in a day, when I'm in the mood, but it's hard for me to read and edit at the same time, and I know that I'm going to be doing a lot of editing this year.

    So ... anywho. Here's to a year of reading.
