Welcome to my Room

4:44 PM

Today I wanted to do something a little different. I want to invite you into my room. I cleaned it up recently so it is actually fit to be seen. I share this room with my sister Rose. As she works in town and I spend most of the day behind my computer it can get pretty messy.

This is my writing corner which you may have seen pictures of before.

This is where a lot of our stuff is stored.

And where our collection of miniature tea sets, my awesome books, and Rose’s crafting supplies are kept.

In case you thought I had taken over the room entirely with my books, this corner is all Roses.

This is the latest addition to our room, it is a nice place for us to do our hair and keep the bathroom open.

Thank you for visiting. Can you stay for tea?

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  1. What a nice room. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This was quite fun! Very nice room. :) And I love that verse piece above the bed - "I am the Lord...is anything to hard for Me?" <3
    Thanks for inviting us into your room, Sarah! :)

  3. How pretty! Your room is so nice, and I love that vanity set.
