NaNo 5

9:11 AM

Yes, I am a bit behind on my word count, but it is for a good cause. I have been putting the final touches on Kate's Innocence! I am so excited to be almost ready to release this book to the world!

Now, I have an offer for you. Would you like to join the Kate's Innocence blog tour? You could get a free PDF copy of the book to review, do an interview with me, or even just have me write up a post. Are you interested? You can sign up HERE?

Oh, I guess you might also be wondering about my NaNo novel. Here is the opening line:

I should have been the happiest man in the world, but my life felt as aimless as my walk along the streets of Boston. 

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  1. So awesome! I love that opening line. :) How long is Kate's Innocence? I'd like to do a review, but I don't know how much time I have with NaNo and such.

    1. It is only 47,000 words. I have been told that it is easy to read in a day or two (from a busy college student).

  2. I'd love to join your tour!!!! Just finished reading all of your released novels...and loved them!!!

    1. Katurah,

      I am very honored that you have read all my novels! I hope you enjoy this one.
