Say hello to...

8:27 AM

I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in a couple days, but things have been very busy. Before I introduce you to our newest farm animals I will give you an update on my mom. Mom is doing well; she isn’t having any pain, which is good. She doesn’t have a lot of stamina right now, but that is normal.

On Thursday, our family took a trip our local animal shelter and got our two newest members of the farm. Please welcome our two Siberian husky/terrier puppies - Wallace and Knight. (Wallace has the white streak and Knight has the black face)

Wallace is sweet and cuddly.

Knight is energetic and loves to fetch balls.

P.S. Sorry that I didn't make it clear that Mom only spent one night in the hospital.

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  1. I love husky puppies. I am so glad your mom is doing better. I know how it feels when your mom is not doing well, so hang in there.

  2. Nice to see you again Sarah! =:) I am so glad your mom is on her way to recovering! We'll continue to pray for her strengthening!

    Aww, aren't they so cute?! =:D I love their names!

    Love and Hugs!

  3. AWWWW!!! I love puppies ;) We're getting another German Shepherd next week. Can't wait!

  4. Aww! They're SO CUTE!
    What state do you live in? Just curious :D
    I hope your mom is soon 100% better!
