Spring is Here to Stay

8:34 AM

Spring is well underway here in the beautiful state of Texas. The trees and grass are green, the garden is starting to grow, and the past couple of days have been gorgeous. Thank you all for your prayers for rain. We have gotten about three inches at our house over the past month. That has really helped the trees and grass to be green.

One of the reasons that I am so thankful that spring is well underway is that it means that the pollen counts are slowly coming going down. Allergies are almost done! How is spring progressing at your house?

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  1. It's done nothing but been gloomy and rainy off and on for the past couple of days. it is also cold. Of course. Tipical Delaware weather. I am wishing it would warm up enough to be able to open windows once more. We had a few days of nice, but slightely chilly, weather when the windows could be opened but that didn't last long. Hopefully it will get nicer later this week and next week. Not that the rain isn't a good thing. It's just, You can get pretty bored of it when you are dying to open windows! LOL!

    Glad to hear that things are going well for you!

    God Bless,

  2. Hi Sarah! It is a typical spring here in Delaware! Raining! Lol! We get a lot of rain here and it has been raining just about every other day! We have had some niece days of sunshine though here and there and the trees have lot's of blossoms on them and the early spring flowers have bloomed. The late spring flowers will be here in a couple of weeks!

    I am so glad you were able to get some nice rain there! That's great! I hope your spring weather will continue to be nice!

