I love book! This week I have been reading and hanging out with my family. Here are some of the things I am thankful for today
#131. The Merchant's Daughter (review coming soon)
#132. Sisters, there is nothing better
#133. Molly Evangeline, her books are awesome!
# 134. My bother, the basketball player
#135. A mother that taught us to have fun without money
#136. A dad that works hard to provide
#137. Time away form the daily norm
#138. Thanksgiving Square in Dallas (look it up)
#139. Stained glass windows
#140. A full inbox to come home to.
I have seen so many good reviews on the book. I can't wait to read it! You can get it here
I don't normally read fantasy but this one looked so good...and it was only 99 cents!
Yes another Molly Evangeline book. I can't wait to read the sequel to the Pirate Daughter Promise. Get it here
Okay I listened to this book and it was really, really good so I wanted to support the author and share it with my siblings
My review of Red Rain is forthcoming
The Award's
Official Rules:
It's given to up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you. (Did that)
2. Reveal your Top Five Picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. (that is the best part)
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog. (Did that!)
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love too! (of course they will!)
Now for my
Top Five Picks
1. In the Bookcase by Tessa
I love this blog that helps me share and find book reviews, interviews, and other fun book related material
After reading her book The Pirate Daughter's Promise, I started following Molly's blog. I love her how-to posts and writer updates.
3. Radiant Purity and True Beauty by Melinda.
I love the encouraging, and thought provoking posts. I also treasure the friendship of the blogger herself.
4. Big House in the Little Woods by Bailey
I don't read this blog as often as I would like. However, every time I read I am blessed.
5. Hope Scribbles by Elisabeth
Elisabeth wrote my favorite book series of 2011 and I love reading her blog. It is always so refreshing and fun!

I'm giving this award to...

This award goes to...

This goes to...

This one goes to...
All my readers!
Let's see. Seven random things about me:
1. I get a lot of laughs out of people's inconsistencies.
2. I have a strong opinion on just about every political issue.
3. I love to garden.
4. I don't care for sports.
5. I love Tex-Mex so much, I could eat it every day.
6. I met many of my friends though blogging.
7. I take a walk in the woods almost every day
I just found out this award and I want you to help them out! Go to their site and nominate your favorite book/books written in 2011 or 2012. My books have already been nominated, but seconding the nomination couldn't hurt.
We readers spend a lot of time reading. Let's take the time to support the authors that we love by nominating them today!

You can also find The Verve Literary Award on Twitter and Goodreads
We readers spend a lot of time reading. Let's take the time to support the authors that we love by nominating them today!
You can also find The Verve Literary Award on Twitter and Goodreads
I love history. Few things give me as much pleasure as studying the unfolding of God's plan for the world. So today, I am thankful for...
#122. The great men and women who lived and died for their faith
#123. That when things seemed darkest, Gods light shown brightest
#124. For authors of historical fiction; you guys are the best
#125. For the early church, may we never forget them
#126. For the Middle Ages, it never stop inspiring me
#127. That I can find out about any time period I want
#128. For those who chronicled our past
#129. For the One who holds the future
#130. That it is HIS-story unfolding
The Everlasting Flame by Linda Chaikin
"Courage, conviction, adventure, and romance fill every page of this exciting historical novel. Set in the early days of the Protestant Reformation, this powerful book portrays two people in love with each other and with the Word of God."
I love Linda Chaikin! I discovered her last year while reading her Heart of India trilogy, and she is one of my new favorite authors. I was given about six of her books for Christmas and they are high up on my reading list. The Everlasting Flame was one of the ones I was given and was high on the list.
I was very young when I read my first biography on William Tyndale and was inspired. I read everything I could get my hands on about this man who was willing to risk everything to get the scriptures into the language and vernacular of the common people. In fact 90% of the 1611 King James Bible is Tyndale’s work.
Linda did her research on this book. However, at times she gets a little carried away with her research and forgets the reason everyone is reading her book, Justin. There are two or three chapters throughout the book where she focuses completely on Tyndale and nothing is said of the hero. Also, in order to be historically accurate, there are times where she skips a year or two. Some of these transitions are better than others.
What I loved about this book? It makes you want to read your bible out of sheer joy that you have it. It renewed my interest in the reformers and all their work. I also loved the character of Justin. He was passionate, good with a sword as well as a pen.
As for the romance, there was some but it was not the focus of the book. If I remember correctly, they don’t even kiss until they are married. The focus of this book was truly the amazing power of God’s word, not the power of love.
If you want to be inspired by the work of the reformers, if you want to be amazed at the privilege of having scripture in English, or if you just want a wonderful historical tale, this book is for you.
I just finished reading a book called The Everlasting Flame (review coming tomorrow). It was a fiction story that showcased the reformers and their dangerous mission to get the Bible translated into the common language. It made me want to read and memorize more scripture. It is good to be reminded sometimes of what a privilege it is to be able to read the scriptures. So today I am thankful for…
#111. My choices in Bible reading. I can pick a version that speaks to me
#112. For all of those that gave their lives so that I could read the words of God
#113. That I can share the scriptures with anyone without fear of being thrown in jail
#114. For the friends that encourage, bless, and rebuke me with words from the Bible
#115. For the Heavenly Father who breathed the scriptures for us
#116. That Christ speakers to my heart as well as through the Bible
#117. For the church of God, what a blessing it has been to me
#118. That one day, I will live with God forever
#119. That God is with us always, though the good times and the bad
#120. For Tyndale; may his work and sacrifice never be forgotten
Books Read;
Golden Palaces
Behind the Veil
The Pirate Daughter's Promise
Verse Progress;
I am sad to say that I am very behind in my memorization. I hope to work hard on it this week and next to catch up
I'm trying to catch up on book reviews. I did this one for Homeschool Authors.
How far would you go to keep a promise? Skyler McHenry is faced with this question in the thrilling high seas adventure by Molly Evangline.
When Molly agreed to do an interview for Homeschool authors, I went to her website to do some research. When I saw that The Pirate Daughter’s Promise was only 99 cents, I decided to buy it. I am so glad I did.
From the gripping opening to the final, touching page, I was enthralled with Skyler's story. Orphaned and with only two friends in the world, Skyler leads a hard life. She keeps a secret her father had made her promise not to reveal until she finds someone who loves her and she trusts completely. A secret concerning a hidden pirate treasure.
I was skeptical when I began this book, as I have never really liked pirate stories. As a lover of history, I had learned too much about pirates to ever think of them as good guys in films or books. I was delightfully surprised at this book. This was not about a “Christian” pirate, nor was piracy shown as acceptable. The good captain and his crew hunt pirates and return the stolen goods.
I loved the faith and morals displayed in The Pirate Daughter’s Promise. Prayer not only is a normal part of life, it works. The romance will stand up to the highest moral standards. This book is very wholesome and refreshing.
If you are looking for a book full of adventure that is faith building, The Pirate Daughter’s Promise is a wonderful choice.