"At the height of the French Revolution...
Jeanne Andole is one of hundreds rescued by the mysterious Scarlet Pimpernel almost daily.
Yet only a promise from him that her family will also elude the dreaded death so common these days - Madame la Guillotine - induces her to reluctantly flee to the safety of England before they do.
As soon as she has arrived, however, trouble is already brewing. Living guiltily amidst high society, Jeanne is aroused by a startling truth which cannot go unheeded, and which sends her willingly back into the clutches of Revolutionary France to recover her endangered family.
Inspired by the epic tales of The Scarlet Pimpernel - the well-known character created by Baroness Orczy - The Land of Calais is an adventure that will take you from 18th century England to Revolutionary France in an exciting tale you're sure to love!" ~ from back cover of Land of Calais
Jeanne Andole is one of hundreds rescued by the mysterious Scarlet Pimpernel almost daily.
Yet only a promise from him that her family will also elude the dreaded death so common these days - Madame la Guillotine - induces her to reluctantly flee to the safety of England before they do.
As soon as she has arrived, however, trouble is already brewing. Living guiltily amidst high society, Jeanne is aroused by a startling truth which cannot go unheeded, and which sends her willingly back into the clutches of Revolutionary France to recover her endangered family.
Inspired by the epic tales of The Scarlet Pimpernel - the well-known character created by Baroness Orczy - The Land of Calais is an adventure that will take you from 18th century England to Revolutionary France in an exciting tale you're sure to love!" ~ from back cover of Land of Calais
This book by Melody Grubb, a young Christian home-schooler, is encouraging and faith building. She has a wonderful way of capturing the time period with her wonderful descriptions of clothes and settings.
For those of you, like me, that have enjoyed the story The Scarlet Pimpernel, this is a wonderful continuation of the story we all loved. It is full of adventure, excitement, with lessons and faith that make it all the better.
Although I enjoyed the story, I kept wishing that is was longer so that there was time to develop the characters better. Although Jeanne learns some good lessons and has faith, the shortness of the book caused much telling and not a slow unfolding which I enjoy.
If you are looking for a nice adventurous story that is faith building, Land of Calais by Melody Grubb is a wonderful choice.
Find this book and others at Literary Maidens Publishing
These past few week have been really crazy, and one of the things I have let slide is blogging. I found, to my surprise, that I have really been missing it. With the rise of social media, blogging is beginning to fade and I think that is sad. Although I am a user of social media, I am finding that I learn so much more about people through their blogs.
I will never be a perfect blogger, posting every day on deep things. But I would like to be a better blogger. I would like to be a blogger that has a blog that people like to sit and not only read, but interact on and become my friends. I know I have some of that, but I would like to get even better.
Well, I’m off to work on my book (The Destiny of a Few is coming out next week and there is so much to do). What do you plan to do today?
The Promises of a new life that have come with spring are touching everyone around Charity Wentworth, but she seems to be left behind. As she looks from a stormy today into an Unknown tomorrow, can Charity release the pain of disappointed hopes and embrace a new life ~ committed to God, heart and soul, for life and eternity? ~ From the back cover of For Life and for Eternity by Elisabeth Allen
This last book in the Charity’s Dairy series was wonderful and exceeded all my expectations. Unlike so many series, the last book was just as thought provoking and faith building as the first two.
I don’t think I have ever read a series that I enjoyed so much. I have read many faith-based books but none of them were as good as this series. Faith building, without being preachy, real, without putting ungodly thoughts into your head, and captivating to the last word.
Thank you Elisabeth Allen for giving the world such an amazing story. You can be sure that I will be telling all my friends about this series.