...until her twin brother ran off and joined the army and ended up captured and in jail. Suddenly Hannah's world turns on end. She longs to bring her brother some measure of comfort in the squalid, frigid prison where he remains. But the Quakers believe they are not to take sides, not to take up arms. Can she sit by and do nothing while he suffers?
Jeremiah Jones has an enormous task before him. Responsibility for a spy ring is now his, and he desperately needs access to the men in prison, whom they are seeking to free. A possible solution is to garner a pass for Hannah. But while she is fine to the eye, she holds only disdain for him--and agreeing would mean disobeying those she loves and abandoning a bedrock of her faith.
Are you tired of the books that go like this?
Pretty and sweet girl meets handsome rough who is not at Christian. Guy gets sweet girl to realize her fanatical beliefs are silly. Girl still loves God, but tosses most of her beliefs. Handsome Rouge comes to Christ making everything okay.
Yup, I get tired of that story too. How come we swoon over it in the books and movies and then are horrified when our daughters, sisters, and friends do it. Well, this is a happy exception to the rule while still keeping some of the elements that make that kind of a story line appealing.
Hannah is not just a Quaker because her parents are, she truly believes in most of the principles that they have. She tries to obey and honor her father even when it is hard. My favorite conviction that she has, and she sticks to the whole book, was that she will not tell a lie. Even though there are many times when a ‘little white lie’ or a ‘half-truth’ would have saved her a lot of pain, Hannah refuses to do it.
Some parents may not like the fact that Hannah does avoid telling her parents what she is doing. Also at one point in the book they do paint her father in a bad light, making him sound crazy for his beliefs. However, I found it very real. Sometimes, fathers are wrong just like everyone else. I didn’t find it a problem, though I thought some parents might want a heads up.
For those who don’t like heavy romance books, you might want to check this book out. Yes, Jeremy and Hannah do end up liking each other. Yes, there are a few romantic moments, but it wasn’t overdone. I also believe (unless I missed it somehow) that they didn’t kiss, unless you count the one he gave her on the temple. No, it wasn’t even in a romantic scene.
I loved the setting! I felt like I was living in the middle of the British occupation of Philadelphia. Siri Mitchell has a way of conveying the mood of not only her main characters, but the mood of a city. Even during the light-hearted scenes, you can feel the tension that the British occupation causes. I can’t wait to get my hands on another of her books.
I highly recommend this book to anyone 15 or older. Younger than that, parents might want to read it first, because of a couple things that happened. However, I thought the author handled it very well. Grab a copy here, today.
I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review. I was under no obligation to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are entirely my own.
I saw these on Facebook and I wanted to add them all together to say on big...

Thank you to the men and women who died so I can sit here and write whatever I want to. God bless their families who still living with pain, so I can be free!
Thank You!
May we never forget what you have done
Ever since I was eleven I have had a fascination with knights. The code of chivalry, defending what is good, rescuing damsels in distress, and all that appeals to me.
Here are some sites I have found helpful in my own research
Books I love
The Dragon and theRaven by G. A. Henty

Sometimes I get so caught up in my writing and work, I forget that the most important thing is not meeting my deadline, or making sure I blog everyday. The most important things in life are relationships. My relationship with God and those around me are more important than anything on that huge to-do list.
So, as you and I try to catch up this week, take the time for the important people in your life. Pick up that phone an call your friend for an hour instead of just sending a text, chat on Facebook with that cousin instead of sending them a link, and play with your siblings instead of writing or reading another blog post.
In The Destiny of a Few, no character was harder to write than James. I mean he did things like this and until I started editing, I had no idea why:
“So, Mom, do you think Winter is going to make it,” James sounded cold, almost cruel to Maria’s ears.
She turned her head slightly so that she could look up into Letty’s eyes. Had Winter taken a turn for the worse? She thought that Letty had said that she was going to live. Had she only been protecting her? She closed her eyes, as if that would block bad news from reaching her ears.
“James, you know very well that she is going to make it. In fact, Maria, she wants to see you as soon as you are up to it.” Letty slathered cool cream onto the wounded area.
“What about her leg? Do you know yet if she is going to be able to use her leg and walk?” Maria asked.
“Humph, like you would care about that,” James said sharply.
To understand characters like James, you have to dig deeper. You have to find what causes them to do what they do. Is it because they are bitter? Is it because they don’t trust new people? Whatever the cause is, find it out.
The next time a character is giving you a hard time, ask yourself what is the root cause of his/her actions. Answering that will most likely solve most of your issues.
Join me in my first Goodreads giveaway! Make sure to mark my books as to-read!
Head over to Charlie and Me, that is where I am today
Well, it is almost here! The Destiny of a Galaxy is about to be published and complete The Destiny Trilogy. I am so excited about this blog tour/web tour.
If you are interested in winning a copy of my first book head over to Homeschool Authors or join me on Goodreads in a couple of days. Also, check back here because we will be doing the cover reveal soon!
Wanna join the blog tour? Contact me at thedestinyofone(at)juno(dot)com
If you are interested in winning a copy of my first book head over to Homeschool Authors or join me on Goodreads in a couple of days. Also, check back here because we will be doing the cover reveal soon!
Wanna join the blog tour? Contact me at thedestinyofone(at)juno(dot)com
The Destiny of a Galaxy
One Girl, One Galaxy, One God…
“I’m just an ordinary girl, thrown into some extraordinary circumstances.”
Time Has Passed…
Three years have come and gone since Maria Morris found the crown jewels and the farmer-boy-prince. The Followers are now going strong. Wyndemere’s empire is cracking at the seams as unrest rises and the Legatee orchestrates the planning of the Rebellion.
Danger Has Not Disappeared...
The overthrow of the tyrannical regime seems imminent, but Maria’s role as the “woman who started it all” is not widely known. So why is she plagued by an ominous foreboding of approaching danger?
Neither Has Hope…
Promise floats in the air, the promise of better lives, of breathing in freedom. Many around her seem to find happiness, even as the tension starts to spiral toward a breaking point. But Maria flounders, feeling unneeded, out of place. She returns to the question: What does Maria Morris want to do with her life? What is her destiny…now?
Rendered Powerless, Maria Must Make A Painful Choice…
One That Will Alter the Future of The Galaxy Forever.
When James invites her to headquarters and Maria starts to take seriously her role among The Followers, tragedy strikes and her worst nightmares come true. The enemies she had thought long gone are capable of far more than she imagined. Will she have the courage to stand for what she believes in, no matter the cost to her and those she loves? Will she have the strength to surrender her dreams when all seems lost and she can do nothing at all?
Two weeks ago today, we buried my Grandken which is why my blog as been so quiet. Today, these are a few of the things that I am thankful for.
#191. A Grandfather that was a part of my life
#192. A Grandfather who cared
#193. A Grandfather who was taught me about being generous
#194. A Grandfather who wanted to be around me
#195. My mom. Without my Grandken, she wouldn't be here
#196. The time my Grandfather had on this earth
#196. The time my Grandfather had on this earth
#197. For my amazing cousin, whom I call Uncle Tom. Thanks for doing the funeral
#198. This life is not the end, only the beginning
#199. I have a living hope
#200. The life of my Gandken. I will miss you!
Doing research? I know how that can be. I mean, there are hundreds of sites out there. Which ones can you trust? Which ones are safe? Well today we are going to share our favorite sites for doing book research. Add your favorites to the list below!
From the Back Cover: Using colorful animation, fun characters, and great lessons, Paws & Tales is an exciting tool for helping build godly character into kids. Based on the Paws & Tales nationally broadcast radio program presented by Chuck Swindoll’s Insight for Living, the Paws & Tales videos communicate biblical truth and show kids how they can apply it to real life. Kids will be captivated by the adventure, caught up in the laughter, and carried away in the fun . . . and the whole time they’ll be on their way to understanding solid Bible theology. This eighth DVD in the series is based on Ephesians 4:32 and Philippians 2:3-4 and includes two episodes that teach kids about being kind and caring. In episode #1, “The Hullabaloo at Hunker Hill,” C. J. and his friends learn a lesson in forgiveness and being tenderhearted toward one another. In “The Great Go-Kart Race,” the team discovers how to work together.
My Siblings and I love the audio drama series of Paws and Tales. When I saw that one of their movies was available to review I got it, mainly for my youngest sister. The afternoon it arrived, she and I snuggled up together on the couch and watched it together.
On this DVD there are actually three episodes of Paws and Tales. Each story was based off of one of the audio adventures, and had the same cast of lovable characters although with different voice talent. Chuck Swindoll introduces each episode with insight into the lessons behind the story.
Mikayla is going to help me with this part of the review. ;)
Sarah: I recommend this DVD for Ages 3-9
Mikayla: I recommend it for young kids
Sarah: I liked the character building messages the best, and seeing the characters come to life on screen
Mikayla: I liked Gooz the best, she is so funny.
Sarah: I thought the introduction to the movie was two long. I think it would have been better if they put it at the end of the episode.
Mikayla: I wish they had used the same voices in the movies as they did in the audio series. It was irritating to have them changed.
Overall Mikayla and I would recommend this DVD for families with young kids looking for faith building movies.
I received this DVD from Tyndale in exchange for my honest review. I was under no obligation to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are entirely my own.
On this DVD there are actually three episodes of Paws and Tales. Each story was based off of one of the audio adventures, and had the same cast of lovable characters although with different voice talent. Chuck Swindoll introduces each episode with insight into the lessons behind the story.
Mikayla is going to help me with this part of the review. ;)
Sarah: I recommend this DVD for Ages 3-9
Mikayla: I recommend it for young kids
Sarah: I liked the character building messages the best, and seeing the characters come to life on screen
Mikayla: I liked Gooz the best, she is so funny.
Sarah: I thought the introduction to the movie was two long. I think it would have been better if they put it at the end of the episode.
Mikayla: I wish they had used the same voices in the movies as they did in the audio series. It was irritating to have them changed.
Overall Mikayla and I would recommend this DVD for families with young kids looking for faith building movies.
I received this DVD from Tyndale in exchange for my honest review. I was under no obligation to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are entirely my own.
No book ever comes into being without the help of others. Here are a few of the People that have helped me along;
Alex G.
A friend of mine who was the first ever to read any of my books outside my family. Shieham, my first book, may not have been great but Alex encouraged me to start writing.
Eliza A.
The first person outside my family to ever read The Destiny of One. She made me believe that it was worth sharing with the world.
My faithful editor who seems never gets tired of laughing at… I mean fixing my mistakes.
Mom and Rose
The rest of my siblings
Always thinking that my books are the ‘bestest’.
Jessica Philips and Arianna
My writing buddies you keep me writing all the time and cheer me up when I get discouraged
Rachel Philips, my sister Nicole, RJ, Laurie S., and the other members of my editing team
You guys are awesome!
Christina Hastings
My incredible cover designer. I don’t know how she does it, but she makes my books look great.
My readers, who keep wanting more.