Dear Maria Morris,
Today I published the paperback version of the last and final part of your story. I have to say it was a happy, and sad, moment all at the same time. You have been with me since 2007 and now, five years later, it is time for us to say goodbye.
In the years to come I am sure that I will write many characters, and books that people will say are better then the Destiny Trilogy. However, I can't see any of them effecting me as much as your story did. As I wrote and edited your story, I often found myself praying or crying with the message God had in the story for me. In 2009 and 2010, two of the hardest years of my life, God used your story to bring me hope and comfort.
I thank God for the stories and for a main character like you, Maria. I couldn't have asked for any better. I will miss you. I will never forget the lessons you taught me, or the blessing you have been to me. I hope that we will meet in a book again, someday (Quint is already bugging me about writing his story).
Farewell, for now.
Yours ever,
This Sunday I spend most day reading a wonderful book. You can read my review here. Today, I am busy working on a new book which I will share more about tomorrow. See you then!
Oh, I almost forgot. This is post 700 of this blog! Pretty cool milestone.
(This post originally had images, images removed by Sarah because she did not own them)
What does your book have to offer to the world?
What does your book have to offer to the world?
Hours of Reading Pleasure?
A Plot that will send them back to The Book?
So, what does your book offer? It is something worth thinking about. The answer might help you strengthen your story and make it better. Whatever it is, don’t stop writing
I realized that I never finished my post of the GOP convention. Mainly because on Friday, I stayed at the convention center with everyone else working on the party platform. That was exhausting, but fun.
On Saturday I met up with two very sweet girls. Michelle and I had a great time walking around the vendors. Brittney and I went to TeenPact together in 2006. We haven't seen each other in a while so it was fun to catch up.
It was a great convention. I can't wait to do it again in two years.
On Saturday I met up with two very sweet girls. Michelle and I had a great time walking around the vendors. Brittney and I went to TeenPact together in 2006. We haven't seen each other in a while so it was fun to catch up.
It was a great convention. I can't wait to do it again in two years.
Rep. John Carter and me
Their family is a member of a hated people called the Mortens'. The followers of Morten generations before are still outcasts and hated. When her mother and father are given the chance to make a better life, they must leave their two oldest daughters behind. After they leave the two daughters Anna and Maggie (names to be changed) start working at a very rich persons house. Maggie finds love in an unexpected place, a middle aged neighbor with three children. When she weds him, Anna tries to stay close, but not seen, but she is caught by watching by, John. John arrangers for her to become his sister’s maid, so she can be closer to what is going om. Over the next month, John finds he is falling for Anna but both families are set against it. His because she is a Morten, hers because of pride.
When writing I always like to have music going. Here are some of my favorite albums to listen to, listed by my type of writing.
Normal and Gentle

Any classical music
Another great day at the convention. I met the Grubb Family (I don't have the picture), and met up with the family that started my interest into this whole political thing.
Me and Elizabeth
I heard some great speakers and am ready to get some sleep and rest up for tomorrow.
This weekend I am at the Texas Republican State Convention! This is my fourth here is me with my badges.
First time as a delegate...
My favorite badge to wear!
Check back for more pictures tomorrow!
We live in a world full of darkness. The most popular books of our time are more often dark themes. Death, violence, bitterness, hate, witchcraft, anger, and evil are the focus of the story, even if it is redeemed in the end. Even the Christian books are influenced by this. They think that tacking on a redeeming end makes up for all the darkness of the book.
Dear fellow authors, we need to be the light. Our books can deal with hard, or even evil things but the light should always be there. We need to make sure that the focus of our books remains on the light and what is good.
Let us encourage one another not to give in to popular demand and take a stand against the darkness. Are you with me?