My Books Part 2: The B's

6:00 AM

 I know. I'm very late in posting this next part, but I'm excited to share more about the books that occupy space on my shelf. Today, we are looking at the books that start with the books with authors with B last names.

I haven't read this one yet. I picked it up at a library sale. I recently read (and loved) both Authentically, Izzy, and Positively, Penelope by this author. I'm looking forward to seeing if I love this one as much. 
While perhaps not my favorite books, Claire Banchbach is a gifted writer and I loved meeting her in person. I love having books by people I've met on my shelf.

These books, this series, is among my all-time favorites. There is just something about these books that have seeped deep into my heart. I highly recommend you read The Genesis Trilogy by Kacy Barnett-Gramckow. I love how compelling these stories are while clearly displaying the author's belief that the Bible is literally true. 

Chuck Black was a favorite in my teen years. I need to read some of his most recent work, but The Kingdom Series was so good and I adored Lady Carliss. I'm glad to have these in my collection.

After loving the Exptordnary Deaths of Mrs. Kipp, I preordered The Divine Proverb of Streusel. I love this author's realistic characters, strong Christians, and well-woven stories. This story was beautiful and has a cover to match.

This book, The Lady of Lanaria by Michaela Bush is a very sweet Repunzal retelling. I pre-ordered a copy on a whim a few years back and I'm so happy I did.

Kelsey Bryant is a dear friend, fellow author, and I adore her stories. I have this series and...

I shelve the Vintage Jane Austen series with her books. Because these stories have to be kept together.

There you have it, the B's. Have you read any of these books?

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  1. Another fun post of books, Sarah! "The Genesis Trilogy" sounds like something I'd love to read!
    We met Chuck Black at a homeschool conference years ago. He autographed "Kingdom's Dawn" for me and my siblings. :)
    Yes, our friend Kelsey, is among our favorite authors!!!
    Thanks for the post! God bless,

  2. Thank you for the shoutout, Sarah! I too keep my Vintage Jane Austen books together. :)
