Cover Photo Shoot!

1:00 AM

My book Adventures and Adversities is off to the editing team, but I am still very busy. After all, I have a cover to make. So, we had a photo shoot.
My sister Rebekkah and I discussing how best to use the reflector to add light to the photo.

Rebekkah fixing Rose's hair.

Lovely model and sister, Rose.

Setting up a shot.

Working on the hair again.

Rose got tired of being all the photo's. Poor thing. It is hard to be a cover girl.

She did have some fun though.

Lots of lovey shots.

Success! We do have a cover photo!

And fun photos!

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  1. Wow, great!! I can't wait to see the finished product, Sarah! You girls make such a great team together. :)

    Love and miss you!!

  2. Look forward to seeing the cover. :-)


  3. Oh, Fun! I can't wait to see the cover - and read the book! It sounds like lots of fun.

  4. Wow! How fun. :) So you take the cover photo? How neat and exciting all at once. I never knew you were working on a new book!! How awesome. Is this part of The Destiny Of One Series?

  5. ~ Grace M. I can't wait to finish it!

    ~ Kendra A. It was a lot of fun

    ~ Olivia G. No, this is a new book that is historical fiction.

  6. Covers are so much fun to make, when the model has fun. I think the model has the hardest job of it, moving around and trying to get the right expression. But, it is still a lot of fun to go out with friends and take pictures.
    I'm eager to see the finished project!

  7. I can hardly wait to see the cover Sarah! This looks so neat!!!!! :o D

  8. I reviewed your book

  9. That is amazing. So, you write a lot?
