Link up

11:29 AM

Here are some links I thought you might enjoy today.

G. L. O. W.   God Loving & Obeying Women ~ I found this just the other day and so far it has been a huge blessing so far.  Please be aware that I haven’t had the time to read everything and may or may not agree with everything on the site.

My Thanksgiving ~ This is the latest Meditations of His Love topic and there are several good posts.

Write for Meditations of His Love ~ Go here to check out the details, we just started a guest week!

Want some Art? ~  Go here to buy great art prints.

A Glimpse of Gods Love ~ A powerful post on a blog that is filled with great posts

Ladies-in-Waiting ~ I wonderful E-zine that has blessed me many times

Have any links you would like to share?

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  1. Thank you for sharing these! I'll have to check them out. =)

    God bless,


  2. Thank you for sharing. God bless!
