A Month of Savings
9:24 AM
Coming to this blog in the month of October a full month of money saving tips and tricks covering every topic from clothing to grocery shopping; from laundry care to hair care; from freebies – attitude changes. We will have a post every day to help you cut your household spending, in some cases, by half, but I need your help.
Send me your tips, tricks, and links to thedestinyofone(at)yahoo(dot)com. If I use your tip, I will give you credit and link to your blog (and possibly something else but I can’t say right now).
Here is a list of some of the things that we will be covering;
Saving money at the grocery store
Saving money on hair/toiletry items
Creating a cute wardrobe for less
Freebie Friday
Doing laundry for less
Making your own
Entertainment for less
Christmas/gift shopping
This is not an exhaustive list, but it’s a good start. Please spread the word about this Month of Saving on your blog, social networking site, websites and friends, and encourage them to send in their tips as well.