Fanny's Hope Chest Oppritunites

8:30 AM


I'm very excited about this release. If you want to get it for the special pre-order price, you can grab it HERE.

With the help of Michaela Bush (who writes great books by the way) I'm doing a Hope Chest Scavenger Hunt! We need a couple more bloggers. If you're interested in taking part, leave a comment saying so with your email. I won't publish the comment, but I'll get you in contact with Michaela. 

Another event taking part to celebrate the is the Clean that Room in six Days Challenge. This will be happing on social media primarily, but if you would like to do it on your blog, I would be happy to send you the graphics for it. It should be fun and help accomplish the cleaning of a tough room.

Next week I'm releasing Thirty Days Until Thirty. This is a prequel short story. There's a catch. You need to be subscribed to my newsletter to get it. 

Lastly, I'm looking for ten reviewers for the book. If you are interested in reviewing Fanny's Hope Chest. If you are interested in reviewing this novella by February 14th, let me know. 

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  1. I'll take part in the scavenger hunt! :)
