Adventure Between The Pages: Top Ten Books of 2014

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Every year, I like to make a list of my favorite books out of all the books I have read. This year, I have read a lot of really good books. I decided to narrow down my list of awesome books by listing the 10 books that have had the biggest impact on me this year. All the books listed in some way impacted my faith in a positive way. They inspired me and drew me closer to God.

Would you like to read my review of the book? Click either the title, or the image.

Discovering Hope
I really have grown to love this author, but his book reaffirmed my reasons for having high standards when it comes to relationships with guys. It has one of the best conversations about the physical side of relationships I think I have ever read.

The Shadow Things
This book was just wonderful in reminding me of God’s Goodness in the hard times. It also is a wonderful reminder that the best is yet to come.

8. Never
It is hard to even describe this book. It had a deep and intricate plot with a message I love: Never compromise your standards.

Resistance (Ilyon Chronicles)
I don’t think it is often that a fantasy book makes it onto my top ten, but this one was a powerful story of standing up for your faith. The story was nothing short of masterful.

In His Image (Firmament, #2)
I was going through a hard time, and this story really touched me, proving once again that God uses even fiction to reach his children.

Beauty for Ashes (Love Endures)
Grace Livingston Hill has always been a favorite in our family, but it had been a long time since I had read any of her books. This story really touched my heart and reminded me that Beauty does rise from Ashes.

What Are You Afraid Of?: Facing Down Your Fears with Faith
This book was a very powerful reminder that God is stronger than any fear. Dr. David Jeremiah goes through some of the most common fears and provides biblical as well as practical advice on each.

10 Things Jesus Never Said: And Why You Should Stop Believing Them
This book was one of those books that just is a great reminder of the lies that we too often buy into about Jesus. It a was a huge encouragement to me, and a reminder to stay grounded in the Bible.

From the Dark to the Dawn: A Tale of Ancient Rome
This was the first book I read this year and I knew it would be on this list. It really encouraged me during a rough time I was going through. It is a powerful tale of faith in dark times.

A Memory Between Us (Wings of Glory, #2)
This book stuck with me like nothing else. God used this book to really convict me of some of the pride and other issues in my life. It has really stuck with me through the year and God keeps using it in my life. The story was pretty amazing as well.

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  1. Sarah - thank you so much for including A Memory Between Us on your list. I loved writing Jack & Ruth's story - the message is close to my heart.

  2. Thank you for including Discovering Hope! I do love Hope and Jay. Off to buy 10 Things Jesus Never Said. That sounds like an amazing book!!!
