Going on Tour!

8:13 AM

In order to promote my book I will be going on a blog tour!  Not sure what that is?  That’s okay, neither did I when I started this blog. Think about a concert tour.  The singer visits several cities and stays a day or two singing.  A blogging tour is much the same; I will ‘visit’ your blog for a ‘day’ meaning you will post something on my book.  Some ideas for posts are;

           Interviews with me
           Post on Homeschoolers that write
           Our friendship
           The need for good books
           A devotional on finding on finding God’s plan for your life
           A synopsis of the book
           If you were part of the test group for my book, you can write a review on it!
           Something amazing that only you can think of ;)

If you aren’t sure what you want to do, I have a post readymade.  It includes a synopsis of the book, my bio, as well as two to three different images for you to use with the post as you wish.

On last thing, one lucky blog will be the host site for a giveaway.  The blog owner as well as one reader will be given a copy of the book.  If you are interested in the book giveaway, please let me know how many followers you have as well as how many hits you get a day approx.

If you are interested leave my a comment with your e-mail (I won't publish it) and I will get back to you shortly.

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  1. Hello Sarah! I'm interested in you "visiting" my blog, Day by Day. I'd love to interview you!
