A Great Book

8:03 AM

In the evenings as a family, we are reading a book called “So You Don’t Want to go to Church Anymore?”, and I must say it is one of the best books that I have ever read. It has been a very hard book to read in a way, because it challenges you to question almost everything that you have been taught about how church is supposed to work. The book also challenges you to really look at what the Bible has to say about church and Jesus, to make sure that what you have been taught is really what is in the Bible.

I want to thank you all for your prayers me; I’m feeling much better and seem to be getting over the allergies that I have been struggling with. How are you doing? Have you read any really good books lately?

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  1. I am doing good! I also have a book recommendation: "The Bible Smuggler". This was a very good missionary story...you should definitely check it out if you haven't read it yet!

  2. I have read that and agree with you, the book is very good. Sometimes we so easily forget that we are the church.

  3. HI Sarah! Yeah, I can understand...I am reading IN His Steps with Jessica and a friend right now (doing a books study on our own) and it has been really convicting. It's all about "What Would Jesus Do" and it really makes you consider who you have been living for, yourself or Christ and others. =:)

    I am glad you are feeling some better now! Allergies can make you feel so awful! =:(

    Thanks for sharing that book...it sounds interesting!

