Answers to your questions

6:57 AM

Thank you all for your wonderful questions! It was a lot of fun and I hope that through things like this, we can get to know each other better.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? Spare time? Okay, I do have spare time and the number one thing I like to do with it is read. I love to read non-fiction the most. I also like to walk on our land, play board games with my siblings, and uh… oh yes, read all of your blogs!

How do you have your quiet times? When I get up in the morning, I usually either read in my Bible or the book that I am studying and then write my thoughts in a journal. I also spend some time in prayer.

How would you encourage someone, if that certain someone had a bad attitude and is mad at the world? I would tell them that I have walked that road, I know how hard this life can be. I also know that we serve a God who is bigger than our hurts and those who may have wronged you. I would share with them a verse that has comforted me many times ‘ “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” John 14:1

What do you think about courtship versus dating and which will you do if the Lord permits? I think that God can call different people to different things. While I personally am called to do courtship, I am well aware that this will not work for everyone. I know some who do not have parents that share their values and therefore cannot do courtship (at least, not traditional courtship). With that said, I do think that there is a big problem with dating just for the sake of having fun. Guy-girl relationships are nothing to play around with.

What version of the Bible do you use and for what reasons? I use the NIV because it is the version that speaks to me the best. I am well aware that this version is not perfect, but then you can say that about any translation. If you wanted to say that there was only one version that God wanted us to use, it would have to be the original Greek and Hebrew.

When did you first develop a love for writing and how did it happen? Oh, I love sharing this story! When I was 11 years old after watching a movie on Robin Hood, our family was sitting around talking that it wrong to steal for any reason. I said something about maybe writing a book on Robin Hood and in this book he wouldn’t steal (I was eleven, remember). My Mom said she thought it was a great idea for me to write a book but if I was going to work so hard to write a book, why didn’t I write my own story down. So I began my first book, Shieham, and by the time I finished it when I was fourteen, I had found my passion for writing.

I hope that this answers your questions, if you want me to explain my answers more, just let me know.

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  1. Those were some really great questions! Sorry I didn't submit anything, I couldn't think to anything to ask! Lol! Wow! I learned a bunch about you that I didn't really know! he he! That was a good idea! (BTW, I love the story of robin hood, what movie was it that you watched? Do you remember?).

    Blessings and Hugs!

  2. Hey Sarah!
    I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions, it was fun! :)


  3. Interesting! Sarah, you don't mind if I "copy-cated" you and did the same thing? I think it's a great idea!
    ~Sarah Grace

  4. Thank you for sharing your beliefs and thoughts regarding the questions. I agree with you 100% about the courtship/dating issue.

  5. Sarah Grace, I don’t mind if you did the same thing. I actually got the idea from Footprints in the Sand (Elizabeth J’s blog)

    Rachel, we watched the old Disney one with… let me look at the cover to see who played Robin Hood, I don’t keep track of actors real well. Umm… it is the one with Richard Todd and Joan Rice.
