The hardest part of love

11:28 AM

"I know through it all the hardest part of love is letting go. But there's a greater love that holds us. Pray for me, and I will pray for you."

I grew up listening to the Micheal W. Smith song. This version is at the end of the amazing series Sue Thomas FBEye. It struck a chord with me today. I personally had to let a friend go of this year. I didn't want to, but you can't force someone to stay your friend.

I will keep praying for her. I miss her so much. I know the hardest part of love is letting go, but I do know that there is a greater love that holds us both. Perhaps God will bring us together again someday.

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  1. I'm sorry you had to let go of a friendship. I've lost many close friends these last two years, but even through that several others were strengthened. It has been hard... but the hard times tested the realness of many of my friendships. And I am thankful for the friends God let me keep :)
