Random things from this week

4:46 PM

So yesterday, I finally did it...

I went and got my hair cut.

I had cut it before in 2013 and this summer I had about four inches taken off. After thinking about it for a couple of months, I decided I wanted a break from taking care of my long hair. I also really enjoyed the length of my hair then. So...

Forgive the fact I don't have the best camera  on my phone
Of course, this picture is with my hair still slightly damp. I forgot how much my hair curls when it is this short. I'm sure you will see pictures of it in the coming days. 

Yesterday, I got to babysit two precious little kids. The little boy is about a year-and-a-half, and he was fussy, but he loved playing piano with me. Playing the piano yesterday showed me that I am rusty and I need to make it a bigger part of my life in the coming year. I love it, and it is good for relaxing me. I found this awesome book at the thrift store, and while some of it is a bit simple, I love it! I'm using it as a springboard to pick out the pieces I love. 

Today, I got to hang our (via the internet) with my friend and fellow author, Jessica Greyson. We are hatching plots - the kind of plots you'll love us for. I can't wait to tell you all about it!

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