
8:20 AM

Hello friends and strangers. My name is Rose, Sarah’s almost seventeen year old sister and I’m filling in for my sister Sarah who isn’t feeling well today.

As I pondered what to tell you today I thought of all the differences between Sarah and me. Although sisters we are as different as night and day. Sarah is the leader, I want to follower. Sarah thinks of organization as piles of stuff around the room, I think of it as specific places for everything. Sarah is heavily involved in politics, I like to stay home. Sarah has a talent for writing; I am only now beginning to catch up to her. Sarah can play piano well and teach it, the only things I have learned to play so far are my voice and the radio. But we have a common faith that binds us together in love.

But how do we love each other even with all these differences? Because we both know that were different and allow each other to be different.

God blessed me so much when He gave me Sarah. She helps balance me out, but allows me to be who I am. She understands me like no one else can, and always has gentle advice (or what I need to hear). She knows when I’m not feeling well and knows exactly what to do. I could ramble on and on, but you get the point.

So God made us both different, but He put us together. Why? Because He saw that we would need each other.

I Love You, Sarah.

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  1. Thank you for such a blessed entry! Older sisters are such a blessing! My sister and I share a blog also. I have really enjoyed learning from her and spending time with her. Like you we are also completely different. God gave us each our own gifts and abilities, and it's nice to use them to help each other out in our weaker areas! My sister is truly one of my closest and dearest friends!

    Love in Christ,
