The Bread of Life

7:54 AM

The joys of country living are boundless! I live on five acres that is covered in trees and animal life. Some of the animal life is livestock, like the chickens, goats, dog and two cats. However, most of it is wild life such as possums, hawks, raccoons, deer, rabbits, cardinals, chickadees, sparrows, walking sticks, Leaf Mimicking Katy-dids, and many, many other things.

One of the many joys about living in the country is getting to see the fields of corn, cotton, and maze (also know as Indian corn), be planted, grow, ripen, and harvested. This year has been a very different year in what the farmers planted and when. We saw a bunch of wheat fields around here early in the year. This is a rarity in Texas because it gets to hot for wheat here during the summer and so it is just not planted much. This year however, since the price of wheat is so high, a lot of farmers put in wheat.

It was a lot of fun to watch the wheat turn golden. It was so beautiful to watch as the wind sent ripples though the golden fields and to see the life giving grain being harvested. Whenever I see wheat, it always makes me think of how Jesus talked about being the Bread of Life. It makes me also think of what he said about the grain of wheat that falls to the earth and dies and produces a crop up to a hundred times what was sown.

What does a field of wheat make you think of? Why?

Photo Credit:"Young Wheat crop in a field near Solapur, Maharashtra, India" by Akshay.paramatmuni1987 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons 

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