Sick of Me by Whitney Capps: A Review

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Find it on: Goodreads | Kindle | Paperback | Audiobook
Age Appropriate For: 13 and up
Best for Ages: 15 and up

Description:  Our world is filled with fake facades, from the unrealistic filters used on social media to the “holier than thou” personas seen in certain hypocritical believers.
To combat the fake trends, a new trend has emerged—one that fights the facade with transparency and vulnerability. Instead of being filtered or super-spiritual, we’re told to be real and honest. And rightly so.

I loved, loved, LOVED this book. It is one of those books that both expressed some things I have tried to explain to others and failed, and also encouraged and convicted me. For those who like theology, this book is about sanctification, and how we as Christians often accept an imitation verity of it.

Capps shares how she was sharing with a friend about how tired she was of herself. She shared some sin struggles she was having. She was being honest and transparent. Her friend turned to her and said “You’ve talked a lot about how bad you are, now tell me about how good Jesus is.” From there she shares how she had been very transparent, but that hadn’t been leading to transformation.

As someone who grew up in a Christian house and has never rebelled against the faith, I felt I could relate to Capps so much. So many things she said, the struggles, and the good things, had me nodding my head. After reading this book, I really just wanted to go to lunch with her and talk about our faith.

Probably one of my favorite things about this book is it wrapped words around concepts I’ve tried so hard to convey. One of the things she talked about is that we often think that people who have it together must be faking and those who are broken are being real. As someone who has been accused of being fake because some part of my life was put together, I just wanted to hug her. I love how she talked about how this! She clearly explained how the places in our lives that were put together were a refection of Christ’s work in us and should be used not to gloat, but to show others what God is capable of.

I can’t do justice to this book in a review. You need to read it. I’m pretty sure it will be one of the top books I read in 2020.

I highly recommend this for every Christian woman, those who feel like they are stuck, and those who want to make big or small changes in their lives.

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