Writing Saturday: N is for Notorious
1:00 AM
Their family is a member of a hated people called the Mortens'. The followers of Morten generations before are still outcasts and hated. When her mother and father are given the chance to make a better life, they must leave their two oldest daughters behind. After they leave the two daughters Anna and Maggie (names to be changed) start working at a very rich persons house. Maggie finds love in an unexpected place, a middle aged neighbor with three children. When she weds him, Anna tries to stay close, but not seen, but she is caught by watching by, John. John arrangers for her to become his sister’s maid, so she can be closer to what is going om. Over the next month, John finds he is falling for Anna but both families are set against it. His because she is a Morten, hers because of pride.
Wow, what a great title. And picture. :) Can't wait to read this one, Sarah!