When Life gets crazy
5:34 PMDo you ever feel like you are running on empty? Do you ever feel like you check one thing off your to-do list, only to have it replaced by ten more things. That is how I have felt a lot the past month. When you are already feeling behind, it is hard when things go wrong, like the AC in our house going out yesterday, or my computer cord snapping in two last week. These are the kind of times that God uses to remind me of what is important.
Sometimes I get so caught up in my writing and work, I forget that the most important thing is not meeting my deadline, or making sure I blog everyday. The most important things in life are relationships. My relationship with God and those around me are more important than anything on that huge to-do list.
So, as you and I try to catch up this week, take the time for the important people in your life. Pick up that phone an call your friend for an hour instead of just sending a text, chat on Facebook with that cousin instead of sending them a link, and play with your siblings instead of writing or reading another blog post.