New perspectives and rubber ducks

4:52 PM

Sometimes, the writing process isn’t just about working on my books. Monday, I spent the whole day on the internet making sure that Homeschooled Authors posts were scheduled for the month of July (You might want to check out the Read to Win program) as well as work on some blog posts for my blog.
Today, I have spent working on editing and writing. Here is the progress for the day.

In Courage and Corruption
Finished writing new chapter 2
Edited chapters 3 and 4
Cut out a lot of duplicated information (characters repeating themselves, ages given twice, etc.)
Changed chapter 4 to be from Catherine’s prespective

There was Always Laughter in Our House
Started on The Rubber Duck War story

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  1. Rubber duck war? Sounds interesting! ;) I revert to editing as well when the creative process isn't working for me. ;)
