Holman Writing Adventure

8:16 PM

Welcome Holman Writing Adventures

Today is the start of a brand new series of posts, one that will show up every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I am calling it Holman Writing Adventures. What is it about?

People are always asking me how I do it. How I take a story from beginning to end. Instead of writing a series of informative blog posts, I am going to take you along on my writing journey for the next few months. You will get to see with words and pictures what I do on a daily basis, not just hear about it. I will be also posting extra pictures on my Instagram account using the hashtag #HolmanWritingAdventures

You are starting with me while in the middle of two projects.  Today, I am working on editing Courage and Corruption (written in January of this year), and writing There was Always Laughter in our House (a non-fiction book).

Today, I am starting the first revisions of Courage and Corruption, a tale of two siblings, a throne, and a storytelling uncle. This is actually a rewrite of a story I wrote in my early teens. This story needs a lot of work. Here are a few things I did in the story today:

·       Tweaked the prologue
·       Made sure to show, not tell (example changed “It was your turn to watch the goat!” Catherine yelled, her face growing red with anger.  To “It was your turn to watch the goat!” Catherine yelled, her fisted hands rested on her hips and her foot stamped against the floor.)
·       Edited Chapter 1
·       Started a new Chapter 2 from Catherine’s perspective.

Since editing can drive me nuts, I also am working on writing a story. Although, some might say writing about my crazy family is not the best way to keep my sanity. I am writing down some of the funny and poignant stories about my family. My hope for There was Always Laughter in our House is to give people something to laugh about as well as a better understanding of people who choose to live radically for Christ. However, today I didn’t write any stories down. Don’t worry, I will get some down tomorrow.

Of course all of this goes into my work log.

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  1. I love the idea behind your new blog series. Looking forward to reading these posts! And I'm liking the concept of your non-fiction book. Happy writing!

  2. Thanks for the great post.
