Adventure Between the Pages: Hopelifter

10:13 AM

Age Appropriate for: 16 in up for hard situations discussed
Best for Ages: 18 and up

Description: How often do women see a friend in distress or crisis, but feel helpless to really make a difference? Hopelifter: Creative Ways to Spread Hope When Life Hurts takes the mystery out of how to be the hands and feet of Jesus to anyone in need of hope, comfort and care. Kathe Wunnenberg, whose hope-lifting ministry has impacted the lives of thousands, demonstrates simple, practical ways that acts of creative compassion can transform lives. Whether it’s encouraging a jobless friend, lifting the spirits of someone trapped in depression, leaving an anonymous gift for a grieving mother, hosting a starting-over shower for a divorced friend, or playing one small part in long-term support for a family in deep crisis, daily opportunities to make a difference in hurting lives are limitless for a Hopelifter. The perfect book for women who want to spread hope in their friendships, workplace, neighborhoods, and homes, and ideal for those in caring roles in churches and ministries.

I have to be honest this book wasn’t what I was expecting. From the subtitle, Creative Ways to Spread Hope When Life Hurts, I was looking forward to a how-to guide. Although this book had much helpful information, it wasn’t a how-to guide. It talked a lot about her ministry and then, in the back, had some ideas for what you can do for those who need hope.

Kathe Wunnenberg obviously has a wonderful and powerful ministry. She talked about her ministry throughout the book, sometimes it felt like too much. However, if I had such a powerful ministry, I would be tempted to talk about it a lot as well. I really did like all her personal stories that she shared in the book.

I did love the message of the book: actively seeking ways to bring hope to those around us. There are so many people that are hurting, they just need to know that someone cares. This book really did make me think about helping the hurting people around me find hope.

The formatting of this book was excellent. I loved the set up and the style on the inside. It was pretty and easy to find things. The Recipes of Hope in the back were arranged in alphabetical order and easy to flip through and find what I wanted.

I received this book from Zondervan via Book Sneeze in exchange for my honest review. I was under no obligation to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are entirely my own.

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