Writing Saturday; Answer time
10:01 AMFrom Alli; Have you written any poems or stories? If so, how many? Are you wanting to write stories to bring others closer to God?
I have never been able to write poetry, though I have a sister who is very good at it. I have completed six books and am almost done with my seventh. I have so many stories in my head right now I doubt I will ever get them all out onto paper (or my computer).
The reason I started writing was because, at the age of eleven, I had run out of good fiction books to read. I was reading at a high school level so the books that were written for my age group were too easy but I was not old enough to read most of the books written for my reading level.
So I dove into books on history and became very interested in the Middle Ages. Well, one thing led to another and I started my first book. That book led me to my passion for writing, which has led to this blog and many other projects.
From Anonymous; What is the most important thing to have on hand when you are writing?
This is a hard one to answer, other than your actual writing tools (paper, pen and/or computer), there are two things that I keep at hand that are important to me.
Probably the number one thing is good music. Listening to music that fits the mood of what I am writing keeps me going longer. It also helps to cover the noise going on all around me from my wonderful siblings.
The other thing I keep close at hand is a pile of lists. I have lists of minor characters, so I can keep them straight, lists of names of places with correct spellings and things like that.
Thank you both for your questions! I hope that my answers were helpful.