New Year, New Adventures

4:00 AM

 Hey friends!

You didn't think I would get back to blogging without sharing about my life, did you? Well, welcome to my personal update space. Although, starting this post has made me realize how bad I've gotten at taking photos. 

I started reading my Bible through. It's been a while since I read it through in a year (I've been digging deep into the Psalms and some other books of the bible for the last three years). I'm thinking of doing a post about my quiet time because I love how it's going right now.

Scott and I started off the New Year by taking my sister to the airport for an early flight for an adventure to Pennsylvania. We got back and enjoyed our Christmas lights one last morning.

This is me, preparing to take down the tree and sporting my new headphones. My corded headphones died and since I've been spending a lot of time on the phone, Scott sweetly bought me these new ones. It was quite an upgrade to the Bluetooth ones.

Not the the best photo, but me preparing to start writing work for the year.

I've been enjoying an old computer game, Pharoh, sometimes in the evenings. 

I'm enjoying preparing for a friend's baby shower. It's going to be children's book-themed

What have you been up too?

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