Classics I'm Reading this Year: 2025

4:00 AM

One of the greatest gifts God has given me is my friendship with Kelsey Bryant. She is an author, editor, and godly woman who has walked me through a lot of years and changes in life. We connected in 2012, met in person in 2013, and have been friends ever since.

Kelsey is a lover of classics. It was her influence that finally had me jumping in and reading them for myself. Every year, starting in 2018, we read a classic a month together. We're at it again this year. Here is our list.

January ~ The Trial by Charlotte Mary Yonge

February ~ A Garland for Girls by Louisa May Alcott

March ~ Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

April ~ The Master of Ballantrae by Robert Louis Stevenson

May ~ Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secrets by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor

June ~ Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz

July ~ Life with Father by Clarence Day Jr

August ~ Arabian Nights

September ~ Anne's House of Dreams by L.M. Montgomery

October ~ Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

November ~ Waverley by Walter Scott

December ~ Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge

What do you think of the list? Any favorites of yours on here?

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  1. Anne's House of Dreams is so good, though it was hard for me to read at times because of the serious nature. And Life With Father is a fun one that I read about a decade ago after enjoying the movie! I haven't thought about that book in a while. Hope you enjoy everything on your list!

    1. I think I saw the movie many years ago. Now, I'm looking forward to reading it more

  2. I'm so glad we're on this journey together! <3 It is very satisfying to buddy read with you. The Trial was such a great book, and I can't wait to see what the other books hold and what I get from rereading some of them.
    - Kelsey
