Rediscovering Emilie Barnes
2:00 AM
When I was in high school one of the things my Mom encouraged me to do is to study of homemaking. This included reading books on cleaning, budgeting, and homemaking as well as helping my mom in the home to use those skills. I personally got the most out of books by Emilie Barens. I loved her style, her practicality, and the beauty she infused into her words and home.
While I took so much of what I had learned from her in my high school years into adulthood, I hadn't thought much about her books again until recently. I wanted a devotional book to read and I found a copy of her book Fill my Cup, Lord.
15 Minute Home and Family Organizer is my current read by her at the moment, along with The Tea Lover's Devotional. Yes, some of the tips are a bit dated, but most of it is just as helpful today as it was when the book was written. Of course, the devotional and the biblical truths are just as applicable as when it was written (at it includes some pretty tasty recipes too).
Here are some of the books I'm looking forward to reading that I now own:
I love her books, too. Instead of reading her books, my mom took me to two of her "More Hours in My Day" seminars when I was a teen in the 1980s. When I was in my 20s a friend gave me one of her books about the Proverbs 31 woman, which was very autobiographical in the beginning, and I've been looking for that book ever since. Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out which book it is in! Enjoyed your article.