No Man, Your Purpose, and Breath of Knowledge
9:00 PM
Recently Finished
I enjoyed this somewhat, but I wouldn't recommend it. Read my review HERE.
This book poured over my soul. I needed it. Read my review HERE.
This book was okay. The writing was a bit week, but the faith element was amazing. Read my review HERE.
It was so much fun to revisit this book, my favorite of the series as a child. Read my review HERE.
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Wow! I love this series so much and this book was amazing. I don't have a full review up yet, but I will have one soon HERE.
Wow! I love this series so much and this book was amazing. I don't have a full review up yet, but I will have one soon HERE.
Currently Reading
I'm not loving this as much as the other two books in the series. We shall see if I like it further on.
My friend Kelsey lent me this. I've only read the introduction, but I'm excited to dive in.