2017 Planning Session

4:39 PM

Today was one of my favorite days of the year: Planning day. It is when I sit down and make my plans for the next writing year. Normally, I do this in December, but this year, I had to figure out some of the things that I need to wrap up this year to be ready for next year. To start with, I made up some basic goals (the white paper) and then I broke it down (blue squares).

The next step? Break it down into weekly goals. This took most of the day. I had to open documents, consult planners, and look at calendars.

I put the weekly goals on little blue sticky sheets and stuck them at the beginning of the appropriate week of my calendar. 

As you can see, I am going to have to reprint my 2017 goal sheets as I had to make a few changes. But everything is looking good. 

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  1. That's awesome! I love that you have your writing goals planned out like that. :) Thanks for sharing! Looks so fun and useful.

  2. I should do this! I bought a fancy new planner, and I do a ton of nonfiction writing working for a news site, but I think I should do this for my fiction as well!
