Adventure Between the Pages: The Path to the Modest Lifestyle

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Age Appropriate For: All Ages
Best for Ages: 13 and up
Description: When you're obeying His commands and serving the Lord there is a certain satisfaction that you feel. Serving Him brings you great joy and pride. But what about giving yourself and your life to Him entirely? In giving Him your life, that includes giving Him your appearance, your attitude and your heart's desire. You are a daughter of the one true King. It's time to step into the life that God has meant for you to live; one filled with confidence in your natural beauty and grace. Let His glory shine through you, bringing His light to the world. Within these pages you'll learn to unlock your natural beauty that God has given you.

I had been hearing a lot of good about this book, so I thought I was very fortunate to be able to pick up a free copy. I opened this book on a Sunday, thinking I would just read a couple of pages and ended up reading the whole thing.

Leite has a very engaging style of writing; I could tell that when I started reading her blog. The story feels like one girlfriend talking to another. It isn’t a sermon or a lecture, just a conversation starter on a subject many have overlooked.

While this book lacked a little in style and formatting, and would have done better with a little more depth on some things, it made up for that in heart. The intention of this book seemed more to be a springboard for a person’s own study and journey of modesty than a definitive book on the subject. This would make a great small group or Sunday school tool for exploring the topic.

The best part about this book? For me it treated this topic with respect but not legalism. It showed that modesty had a biblical basis, but left the door wide open for differences of opinion. It also made it clear that we dress modestly not because we are responsible for what guys think, but for our own sakes and value.

I highly recommend this book for those who are looking for information on modesty, enjoy shorter non-fiction works, or want to start a conversation about the subject.

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  1. Thanks for reviewing this Sarah!! I hope to have a second edition out this summer!!
