In which Sarah tells you random things and tires to make up for not blogging
10:49 AMYes, life is crazy. Most of the time I have spent blogging or working on my computer has been monopolized by Homeschool Authors. I have been putting together a big summer reading program/giveaway. Yes, it is pretty amazing.
I am also so excited to see three Homeschool Authored books I have endorsed using my endorsements.

Click on the book to see the trailer.
Right now I am editing my book and working with my cover designer trying to get the good model for the front. Which brings me to my last, random thing.
Calling all photographers. Would you like to see your image on the cover of my next book? I am currently looking for a high quality image of a man in his early/mid twenties in Colonial (non-military) looking garb. I am more than happy give credit and compensation for the photo. Contact me at and feel free to share this opportunity with your friends. Need some inspiration? Check this out. history/clothing/men/ mglossary.cfm
Yes, I am willing to pay if you can get me a photo that looks better than anything we have been able to find.