My Books Part 1: The A's

6:00 AM

Welcome back to my bookshelf!

Today, I am going to share my fiction books by authors that end with an A, starting with...

Louisa May Alcott has been a favorite. This copy of Little Women was my mother's. Years ago, when I was in my teens, I read aloud from this very copy to my sisters. My mom gave me the copy after that.

Here are my copies of Jack and Jill and Under the Lilacs. Both books are so precious.

Another cover of Little Women and one of Joe's Boys.

This is by a different author, but about Meg. I remember liking these years ago, but we shall see at some point if they are as good as I remember.

I have paperbacks of these two wonderful Jane Austen-type books Friendship and Folly and Letters to Julia by Meredith Allady. Letters to Julia is my favorite of the two.

These books are by Elisabeht Allen. An English author I adore. Her Charity's Diary Trilogy is among my favorite of all time. The Abolitionist is another wonderful, Jane Austen-type story.

While I'm not a huge fantasy fan, I did have the privilege to meet Kendra Ardnek and so I got a couple of signed books.

A Cry From Egypt is a wonderful biblical fiction piece for younger readers. I really need to continue this series. 

Last but not least, is my Jane Austen collection. Not only do I have copies of her books, but I also have a couple of books about her and her works I've decided to store next to her fiction because that is where I will look for it. Oh, and of course, the paper dolls of Pride and Prejudice. 

I'm going to try to make this at least a weekly thing, so stop by again!

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  1. That was fun, Sarah! I like reading Jane Austen's works, and I've read "Little Women" but none of the sequels yet. I adore your hardbacks. :) I love "Charity's Diary" trilogy too!
    I look forward to part 2!!!! Thank you and God bless,

  2. I think I have one of Kendra Ardnek's books, but I haven't tried them yet. I hear they are good, though.
