All Our Empty Places ~ A Book Review
1:00 AM
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Okay, I’m ashamed to admit that it took me a while to read this book because I thought the end of the last book might end up being a quick and easy solution to the major problems with the Picoletti family. I was wrong. Once again, Ruggieri has written a story that reflects real-life struggles, hurts, and joys. Ultimately, this is a story about how God can fill and redeem the empty places in each of our lives.
All the characters have struggles they are facing. Nothing is easy or simple for them. Financial strain hits the Picoletti family hard. While a way out is provided, it comes with its own challenges. As in life, there is nothing that suddenly makes our life happily-ever-after. Yet Ruggieri shows that there is hope in Christ.
Ruggieri’s characters are vivid and all of them are complex, like in real life. You feel as if you have met real people who have their own motivations, pasts, and challenges. Yet, the thing that remains the same in all Ruggieri’s books is the amazing way all of it is brought to the foot of the cross.
As I don’t want to give anything about this story away, I’ll leave it at that.
This book is powerful. I highly recommend it to those who like life-like characters, faith-building stories, and solid historical fiction.