NaNo Day 6
12:19 PM
There are some days, especially when I am trying to meet a
deadline, that I need inspiration. I get discouraged, tired, or overwhelmed. So here
are some of the things that I do to gain inspiration.
Take a Walk: If I hit a wall, I will often take twenty minutes
and just walk. It is amazing how a change of scenery and some movement will
help the creative juices to flow.

Play a game: I actually find it very helpful, on occasion,
to play a game for a few minutes every couple of hours when I am writing. I
normally play a computer game that I can easily spend ten minutes on and then
leave. My favorites are time management games (Sally’s Spa and Diner Dash being
two of my favorites).
Read blog posts: Reading what other authors have written, especially
if it is about their own struggles and triumphs of NaNo, can be very helpful.
How do you gain inspiration?