Writing Saturday; Stages of Writing

9:55 AM

Sometimes, our writing projects seem to last forever.  We’re not sure when or if they will ever end.  I know that I have felt that way many times when I have been in the middle of a project.  One of the things that I learned recently was that there were stages for any given writing project and that time limiting them is a good thing, and today I would like to share with you what I have learned.

Stage one; The First Draft
This is of course how any book begins.  The first rough draft is the putting of the story in your head down on to paper (or into the computer as the case maybe).  This stage is often the most exciting as you see the story and the characters that you have come to know and love, really take shape on paper.  This stage is probably the hardest to judge how long it should take.  For me, after about a year I lose interest so that is my limit.

Stage two; Rewrite
There will be huge sections that will have to be reworked, it is part of the writing game.  There are going to be sections that are going to need to be taken out, moved about, or rewritten.  I think this process shouldn’t take you more than a year, and that is if you don’t have a lot of time.

Stage three; Self Editing
This is the part where you go in and find all those nasty little mistakes.  You have to get rid of all those grammar and spelling mistakes.  This is the most tedious stage but it is should only take you about three months at the most.

Stage four; Test Group
This is the stage my book is currently in.  I have sent it out my book to some people I know and trust and they are reading the book and giving me there thoughts, encouragement, and advice.  Make sure your expectations are clear when you send out your book to a test group.  Tell them whether they can share it, what you want them to go, and when you want there feedback back by.

Stage five; Final Edit
After all the results are in from your test group, you can begin the final edit.  At this point there shouldn’t be too much to do, just some polishing work.  Make sure to set a time limit on this stage, I book is never perfect but all projects have to come to an end.

Stage six; Release
I plan to realease my book in April of next year using Lulu publishing, how will you release you book?

Happy Writing

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